Health and physical disabilities

Ask your health care providers to submit the following information to the Access Center. As an alternative, you may provide them with the Provider Verification Form (PDF).

Documentation should include:

  • Diagnosis of the disability/health condition.
  • A description of the current impact or limitations of the disability/health condition, focusing on barriers in the student’s educational environment.
  • If the condition is episodic, please help us understand the impact by including:
    • Triggers and warning symptoms of onset
    • Symptoms experienced during an episode
    • Frequency and duration of episodes
    • Care plan for management
  • Side effects of medication on the student's ability to meet the demands of the postsecondary environment (physical, perceptual, behavioral, or cognitive).
  • A description of the expected progression or stability of the disability over time.
  • Optional: Suggestions of academic adjustments and/or auxiliary aids with supporting evidence may be included. The final determination for providing appropriate academic adjustments and auxiliary aids rests with the WSU Vancouver Access Center.

Documentation should be from a qualified healthcare provider.

Documentation requirements