Road map for transfers

Schedule an in-person or virtual admissions appointment

Meet one-on-one with an admissions counselor and discuss how your credits will transfer.

Schedule an appointment

Attend the online A – Z of Paying for College Workshop

Make note of the deadlines to file your FAFSA/WASFA and apply for scholarships.

A – Z of Paying for College Workshop

Review dates and deadlines

Applications are accepted on a space-available basis. If you submit by the priority admissions deadline, you will receive early consideration.

Dates and deadlines

Apply for admission

Earn your bachelor’s degree. You can do it!

Apply today

Discover how to get involved

Check out campus student organizations. Get to know your peers today!

Student life

Complete Orientation

Orientation is a mandatory program that provides you with tools to facilitate a successful transition to WSU Vancouver.



Contact the Cougar Center at 360-546-9779 or

Jacob Schmidt

"My first year at WSU Vancouver, I got involved with student government and later began an internship with the university’s marketing department. These opportunities let me network with a wide array of community leaders—all while staying close to the place I call home."

—Jacob Schmidt, B.A., English