The WSU Center for Community Standards is committed to providing experiences help students succeed on a campus that is safe, healthy, and inclusive. We are here to help guide and correct behaviors which may not align with our values. Through the Standards of Conduct, we challenge VanCougs to hold themselves to the highest standards of ethics, integrity and accountability.
Visit the Center for Community Standards for Standards of Conduct information and to report community standards violations.
Community Standards Boards
Faculty, staff and students are invited to submit an application of interest to serve on a WSU Community Standards Board. For more information about board expectations, qualifications, training and length of commitment, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 509-335-5757 or
Three opportunities to serve:
- Conduct Board—Incidents involving potential violations that could result in suspension or expulsion.
- Appeals Board—Anytime a party disagrees with the Conduct Officer or Conduct Board’s decision and wishes to appeal.
- Academic Integrity Hearing Board—Incidents related to violations of the academic integrity policy such as allegations of cheating, plagiarism, fraud, etc.