Testing services confirmation

Instructors: use this form to confirm exam information for the semester. Be sure to include all important information, including special requirements, permitted memory aids (i.e. notes), special instructions or other permissible supplemental materials that students are allowed to use.

In order for us to ensure accessibility we must receive exams 48-hours in advance. For exams that need to be converted to an alternative print format, we must receive tests one week in advance.

Email of testing materials is preferred, but you may deliver exams to the Access Center front desk. Please communicate any changes to the course syllabus or testing schedule to Access Center staff as soon they are made.

Please note: Access Center staff will send an email reminder one week before the student(s) is scheduled to take the exam at the Access Center. In this email, you will be required to confirm special instructions, permitted aids and materials, and other supplementary materials regarding that specific exam.

Trouble with web forms? Email us for an alternate format.

Testing Services Semester Overview Confirmation Form

Primary information

Exam information

Alternate test times

Student may have access to

Test aids allowed:

Student must have the following items

Items needed:

Transfer of exams

Questions or comments