Join an on-campus club
Clubs, or Registered Student Organizations (RSOs), are a great way to meet other people who share your passions.
You’ll find clubs for almost every interest: academic, cultural, political, recreational, spiritual, service, social or special interest. Explore current clubs via Coug Presence. If you don’t find what you're looking for, start a new club.
Start and manage a club Coug Presence
Student government
Get connected with your student government, the Associated Students of Washington State University Vancouver (ASWSUV).
Run for office and become a student leader. Advocate for student interests to campus administrators and state representatives.
Student activities
Back-to-School BBQ, the Spring Fling, Cougar football road trips—plan and coordinate events with the Student Activities Board (SAB).
Student media
Express yourself by joining one of our award-winning student media organizations: The VanCougar newsmagazine, KOUG Radio and Salmon Creek Journal.
Invent a new journalism beat, host an online talk show or bring a guest artist to campus. Join the Student Media Board to guide and support student media organizations.