Academic reinstatement rules and process

Rule 38: Academic Probation and Recess for At-risk Students

(a) Undergraduate students whose semester (excluding summer session) or cumulative grade point average drops below a 2.0 for the first time must apply for reinstatement to continue their enrollment at Washington State University. Students are placed on probation after reinstatement. Certified majors on academic probation may be decertified by the academic department.

(b) First-time, first-year undergraduate students are recessed from the university after their first term of enrollment if their semester grade point average is below 1.0. Individuals are recessed from the university for one full semester (fall or spring).

Reinstatement process for Rule 38a

First semester with below a 2.0 semester or cumulative GPA

  • Complete a reinstatement application and online modules through Canvas. Read the application guidelines online.
  • Courses for the next semester (excluding summer) will be canceled if an application has not been received and approved by the listed deadline.

Reinstatement process for Rule 38b

First-time, first-year students with a semester GPA below 1.0:

  • Students will be recessed and courses for the next semester will be canceled. There is no early reinstatement process.
  • Students who are recessed are required to remain out of WSU for one semester (not including summer session).
  • Recessed students are not eligible and cannot seek non-degree student status.

Rule 39: Undergraduate Academic Deficiency

Undergraduate students are dismissed from the University after the third semester (excluding summer session) in which the cumulative grade point average is below 2.0. Individuals who are dismissed from the University may not enroll in courses at WSU for two full academic semesters. Dismissed individuals will also not be able to seek status as a ‘non-degree seeking student.’

Reinstatement process for Dismissed Rule 39

Students with any third semester (excluding summer terms) cumulative GPA below 2.0

  • Students will be dismissed and courses for the next semester (excluding summer IF already enrolled before grades are posted) will be canceled. There is no early reinstatement process.
  • Students who are dismissed are required to remain out of WSU for two consecutive semesters.
  • Dismissed students are not eligible and cannot seek non-degree student status.

Former Students Returning

Reinstatement process for former students returning

Former students returning have been away from WSU for two or more semesters.

  • Complete a reinstatement application, including a personal statement. Read the application guidelines online.
  • Complete the Former Student Returning application for admission.
  • Contact Vancouver Reinstatement OR your academic department to schedule a reinstatement interview. Note: you may be required to provide your reinstatement application in advance of your appointment.
  • Have your unofficial transcript available for any courses taken while away from WSU.