Academic resume

An academic resume (homeschooled transcript) provides documentation of all subjects studied and textbooks used, including the signature of the parent or guardian; responsible for the student’s curriculum.

There is no required format for submission. Most are 1 to 2 pages in length.

Academic resume requirements

  1. Student information
    • Name
    • Date of birth
    • Address
    • Other identifying information
  2. Homeschool information
    • School name
    • School location
  3. Course information
    • Names of all courses taken
      • Include courses taken at college or through an accredited high school/program.
    • Dates of all courses taken
    • Description of how classes fulfill CADRs
    • Number of credits earned
      • One credit equals one year
    • Grades earned in all courses taken
    • Books or curriculum used
      • Include a detailed description as well as the title, author and copyright date (or ISBN) of each textbook used.
      • Only include classes not taken through a college or accredited high school/program
  4. Where the student will be earning their diploma from
  5. Name, date and signature of person responsible for the curriculum