- Faculty Access Training Video (6:51)
- Faculty Portal
- Reasonable Accommodation Syllabus Statement
- Submit Closed Captioning Requests
- Frequently asked questions
- Preparing your course for accommodations
- Grievance policy and procedures
- Accommodation Definitions
Faculty Portal
Welcome to the Accommodation Information Management system known as MyAccess. Your Faculty Portal is an electronic dashboard that provides a list of all students who have requested accommodations across all sections and classes you are teaching, and a general overview of their accommodations. Using the Faculty Portal, you can:
- Review/download the original Faculty Notification Letter
- Access the Alternative Testing Agreement via the alternative testing link, where you can:
- Specify parameters for each student exam
- View scheduled exams
- Upload exams
To access your portal dashboard, select the Faculty Portal Login button, enter your WSU Network ID and password, and select “Login.” Once you are logged in, select the button that says, “Continue to View Student Accommodations.”
Every time you use the Faculty Portal, you will be asked to agree to the FERPA confidentiality statement.
- Do not access this portal on a public or insecure computer.
- Do not leave your computer unattended while you are logged into this portal.
If you have questions or concerns about student accommodations, contact the Access Center at van.access.center@wsu.edu or 360-546-9729.
WSU Reasonable Accommodation Statement
Required because:
As an institution of higher education, WSU has a responsibility to provide reasonable accommodations to students with disabilities to comply with certain federal (Title II of Civil Rights Act of 1964, Americans with Disability Act, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act) and state (Washington Law Against Discrimination) civil rights laws. Therefore, we ask that all teaching faculty include the following information in every syllabus.
What to include:
Students with Disabilities: Reasonable accommodations are available for students with temporary, chronic or permanent physical, health, learning, sensory, or psychological disabilities or conditions. If you have a disability or condition and need accommodations to fully participate in this class, please visit your campus’ Access Center/Services website to follow published procedures to request accommodations. Students may also contact their campus Access offices to schedule an appointment with an Access Advisor/Coordinator. All disability related accommodations are to be approved through the Access Center/Services on your campus. It is a university expectation that students connect with instructors (via email, Zoom, or in person) to discuss logistics within two weeks of each term or within two weeks after they have officially requested their accommodations.
For more information contact the Access Center located the Classroom Building, Room 110.
- Phone: 360-546-9739
- E-mail: van.access.center@wsu.edu
- Website: studentaffairs.vancouver.wsu.edu/access-center
All accommodations must be approved through the Access Center.
WSU Online Course Syllabus Statement
The following statement is included for online courses:
Reasonable accommodations are available with online classes for students with a documented disability. All accommodations must be approved through your WSU Disability Services office. If you have a disability and need accommodations, we recommend you begin the process as soon as possible.
For more information contact an Access Center Coordinator on your home campus:
Preparing your course for accommodations
- Closed captioning content review
- Closed captioning faculty guide
- Etiquette for interacting with people who are blind or who have low vision
- Making exams accessible
- Understanding Flexible Assignment Deadlines
- Understanding Flexible Attendance
- Working with CART
- Working with interpreters
Grievance policy and procedures
Faculty members have the same right as students to raise questions and concerns with disability services/accommodations, especially when it is believed that the accommodations granted present a fundamental alteration to the academic integrity of the course. In these cases, faculty must speak directly to the Access Center Coordinator and NOT to the student in question. In addition, faculty members are still obligated to provide all accommodations as stated in the Faculty Notification Letter until resolution is reached.
If a faculty member is still dissatisfied after the Access Center has considered the concern and provided rationale, the faculty should speak directly to the manager of the Access Center or his/her department chair. The department chair will confer with the Academic Leadership Team and Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs as needed, and will respond to the faculty member within two weeks. Accommodations may not be adjusted until resolution is reached.